Thursday, October 20, 2011

What We Give To God

by Leah S. Carpenter

I have been bombarded recently, it seems, by comments about, and "encouragement" to, ministry. While I am a firm believer that each child of God has a particular ministry to fulfill, I also realize that for some, that means remaining precisely where He has placed us! However, despite this knowledge and conviction, I was beginning to get discouraged. Then I found this sweet bit of encouragement to continue in what He has given me to do: “Whatever is in our hand, that is what we give back to God.”

I read these words, and they blessed me. I have been wanting to give back to God what I don’t have – what he had given me for a season, but I don’t have right now, as well as a "ministry" He never gave me, but that others have suggested. You mean I can give back to God what I’m left with, though it seems like nothing? Oh, it doesn’t seem like nothing now, not if I can give it back to God! That makes the “nothing” I have left into “something”. Instead of worrying and reaching after something else, I can smile and work in enjoyment of what God has put in my hand to give back to him, just as instructed in Ecclesiastes.

Ah, sweet freedom!

1 comment:

  1. So true! I think many of us face this struggle, (over and over again) and it is one of Satan’s successful lies because it is presented as doing something for God when in fact, God may be asking us to do what appears as nothing to us. It is better to serve God doing “nothing” than to disobey him employed in some religious “something.”

    “Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22

    You have probably heard the song, “If just a cup of water I place into your hand, than just a cup of water is all that I demand.”


Thank you so much for taking time to read and comment. Please forgive the way some of these comments are moving them from my original blog, I had to copy and paste them to keep them on the posts, so they look like they are from me, while they are not :-). I welcome your comments on my thoughts and poems and thanks again for taking time to read. God bless your day with His presence.

Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011