Monday, December 31, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: December Edition

From “Turning Northward”: (Scripture reference for book is Deuteronomy 2:3)
     (From Introduction):
     • “While we live we must be moving on.”
     • “When we stop we begin to die.”
     • “Rest is necessary, but only to renew our strength that we may press on again.”
(From book):
     • “It would not be well if we were released from the daily round, though it is monotonous. We owe much to it. It trains us.”
     • “We must not let our life run forever and only in a little circle, but must reach out, learn new lessons, venture into new lives, leave our narrow past, and grow into something that means more.”
     • “We must not allow our narrow occupation to dwarf our souls.”
     • “Our work itself is valuable and noble, and we must never be ashamed of it and must do it with zest and enthusiasm.”
     • “We never can get on to higher things if we insist on clinging to our past and carrying it with us. We can make progress only by forgetting.”
     • “Some people keep compassing regretfully the mountains of their one year’s mistakes through all the following year.” (See Scripture Reference)
     • “Worry undoes no folly, corrects no mistakes, brings back nothing you have lost.”
     • “To err is human. We learn by making mistakes. Nobody ever does anything perfectly the first time he tries it. The artist spoils yards of canvas and reams of paper in mastering his art. It is the same in living. It takes most of lifetime to learn how to do work passably well.”
     • “There is a strange power in the divine goodness which can take our mistakes and follies, and out of them bring beauty, blessing, and good. Forget your blunders, put them into the hands of Christ, leave them with him to deal with as he sees fit, and he will show them to you afterward as marks of loveliness, no longer as blunders, but as the very elements of perfection.”
     • “Move entirely out of the past. It is gone, and you have nothing whatever more to do with it. If it has been unworthy, it should be abandoned for something worthy. If it has been good, it should inspire us to things yet better.”
      • “It is possible for us to have all the semblance of life in our religious profession, in our orthodoxy of belief, in our morality, in our Christian achievements, in our conduct, in our devotion to the principles of right and truth, and yet not have life in us.”
     • Discoursing upon one’s prayer to be “clean all through”: “It is to this we are called each New Year, for example, each birthday. We are summoned to leave our routine Christian life, the commonplace godliness that has so long satisfied us, and turn northward.”
      • “The true life within us should become diviner continually in its beauty, purer, stronger, sweeter, even when the physical life is wasting.”
     • “The hard things are not meant to mar our life – they are meant to make it all the braver, the worthier, the nobler. Adversities and misfortunes are meant to sweeten our spirits, not to make them sour and bitter.”
     • “We cannot fulfill our Master’s requirements for us as Christians unless we are ready for self-forgetful devotion to service.”

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Year in J. R. Miller Quotes: October Edition

From “Secrets of Happy Home Life”:
 • “[Home] is a resting-place whither at close of day the weary retire to gather new strength for the battle and toils of tomorrow.”
 • “One instrument out of tune in an orchestra mars the music which breaks upon the ears of the listeners. One discordant life in a household mars the perfectness of the music of love in the family. We should make sure that our life is not the one that is out of tune.”
 • “Christ’s peace is a blessing which comes out of struggle and discipline.”
 • “A happy home does not come as a matter of course because there has been a marriage ceremony, with plighted vows and a ring, and the minister’s ‘Whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder,’ and a benediction.”
 • “Happiness does not come through any mere forms or ceremonies; it has to be planned for, lived for, sacrificed for, prayed for, ofttimes suffered for.”
 • “At few points in life is divine guidance more sorely needed than when the question of marriage is decided.”
 • “Wedded happiness depends greatly on reverent, prayerful, deliberate, wise choosing before marriage.”
 • “A true woman’s heart craves gentleness.”
 • “Love craves its daily bread of tenderness.”
 • “Love always serves, or it is no love at all.”
 • “We say we train our children; but they train us, too, if we think of them as we should – as immortal beings come from God to be prepared by us for their mission.”
 • “The modern tendency to put upon the wife and mother all the responsibility for the making of the home and its happiness is not sanctioned by Christian teachings.”
 • “The divine commands for the building of the home and the training of the children are given primarily to the man, although meant for both husband and wife.”
 • “Love’s first lesson is that of giving up one’s own way, denying one’s self, suffering in silence.”
 • “Another suggestion is, that we should not grow discouraged, even if our homes are not yet what we crave. There are some who feel that the battle is hopeless; that they can never grow into beautiful life and character in their present circumstances. That is a mistake. It is possible to grow into all the beauty of peace wherever we may be placed. A lily finds its home in a black bog, but blooms into perfect loveliness.”
 • “Criticism never fosters affection; you never loved any one better for criticizing you. Usually the best service we can do to a brother or sister is to live a sweet, patient, beautiful, Christly life ourselves, leaving to God the fashioning of their lives. If they are true Christians, He is teaching them and putting His own image on their souls. We might mar this divine work by our criticism.”
 • “The comforts of Christian faith do not reveal themselves to us in their richest light and peace till the darkness of sorrow rests upon our home.”

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Year in J. R. Miller Quotes: September Edition

From “Mary of Bethany”:
    • “At Christ’s feet is the place of discipleship, where one learns the lessons the Master has to teach, where one’s soul receives the blessings He has to give.”
    • “We can give out to others only what God has given to us.”
    • “The first thing is, not what you shall do for Christ, but what you shall let Christ do for you; not what you shall give to Him, but what you shall receive from Him.”
    • “True refinement is not outside polish. It goes deeper, and penetrates the very foundations of character.”
    • “That which truly refines is purity of heart.”
    • “Is there no alabaster box of sacred ointment which you can bring out and break, to anoint the feet of your loving Lord?”
    • “There is constant danger that the duties which lie closest shall be overlooked while the eye is watching farther off for services conspicuous and large.”
    • “The Christian young woman who blesses her own home with her love cannot but be a blessing wherever she goes.”
    • “It matters little what the particular form of ministry may be. God knows what he wants his children to do. The important thing is to be filled with the love of Christ; then, wherever you go, you will be a blessing.”

Saturday, September 1, 2012

My Year in J. R. Miller Quotes: August Edition

From “Loving My Neighbor” (which is built on the parable of the Good Samaritan):
    • “We call it a sin for one to do another an injury; but we are not so likely to call it a sin when one fails to show another, suffering or in need, a kindness which it is in his power to render.”
    • “Forbearing to help when it is in our power to help is a sin of which God takes note.”
    • “The test of life is loving.”
    • “The only proof that we have the love of God in our hearts is our love to our fellow-men.”
    • “Sometimes love’s duties are crowded out by other seeming duties.”
    • “We shall be judged, not only by what we do, but quite as much by what we leave undone.”
    • “Some people are willing to pay for the care of those who are in distress, but are not willing to take any trouble themselves. Money does good service in many cases, but the love which is illustrated in our Lord’s parable gives more than money; it ministers with its own hands; it gives human sympathy and personal attention.”
    • “We add greatly to the value of whatever we do for others if we give part of ourselves in and with our serving.”
    • “We represent God in this world and we are to help as he helps, never niggardly, but always generously and abundantly.”

Monday, August 6, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: July Edition

From “The Blessing of Cheerfulness”
       • “One who speaks wholesome words which enter other lives, and influence, guide, strengthen, inspire, or enrich them, blesses the race”
       • “Every one carries an atmosphere about him. It may be healthful and invigorating, or it may be unwholesome and depressing. It may make a little spot of the world a sweeter, better, safer place to live in; or it may make it harder for those to live worthily and beautifully who dwell within its circle.”
       • “It is the privilege of every friend of Christ to be of good cheer, no matter what the circumstances of his life may be. Privilege makes duty.”
       • “All the fine things in Christian nurture and Christian culture have to be learned.”
       • “If we would learn the lesson, we must abide with Christ.”
       • “If we are truly experiencing the friendship of Christ, we shall find the inner joy increasing just as the outer lights grow dim.”
       • “There are blessings, rich, deep, and satisfying, which we never can know until we mourn.”
       • “The deeper the earthly darkness, the richer are the Divine comforts which are given to us, enabling us to be of good cheer whatever the tribulation.”
       • “But if we look at others through Christ-eyes, then even the things in them which cause us pain and sorrow become new chances of joy and blessing for us.”
       • “Every human sorrow or infirmity that makes its appeal to us is a new chance for us to do a beautiful thing, to grow in Christ-likeness.”
       • “Every new burden of care rolled upon us, demanding self-denial, sacrifice, or service, carries in it a new blessing for us, if only we will accept it.”
       • “He who carries about with him a cheerful spirit is a blessing wherever he goes.”
       • “We have no right to go among men with our complaints and our murmurings.”
       • “We have no enemy more to be dreaded than discouragement.”

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: June Edition

From “A Cure for Care"
• “We need to learn to live. This is just what being a Christian is – learning from Christ to be Christlike.”
• “Surely it is not fitting that the children of the heavenly Father should worry!”
• “[Christians] are living in their Father’s house in which are stored the rich treasures of divine love. Yet many of them seem not to know of these treasures, and live in distress, as if no provision were made for their wants.”
• “There really never is any reason why a child of God should worry about anything.”
• “The mind must be centered before it can have perfect peace. It must have one motive, one aim, one allegiance, one ground of confidence. If it is divided between two interests, there will be distraction, and the peace will be broken.”
• “Anxiety is a sin, because it is not trusting God fully and wholly.”
• “Work is not part of the Adamic curse, as some people imagine. It was a divine ordinance for man from the beginning.”
• “A great deal of the worrying that is so common is over matters that we have no power to change.”
• “There are troubles or misfortunes which have already passed; why should we vex ourselves over these?...Worry will not retrieve it, nor give us back the old favorable conditions.”
• “Sadness only unfits us for duty.”
• “Regret never helps anything.”
• “We would better accept what is done and is beyond any power to recall, and take life just as it is now, working out our little duty bravely and with quiet faith.”
• “Hard work is made easier when we can sing at it. Burdens are made light when one’s heart is filled with joy.”
• “When we acquiesce in any unpleasant experience, we have conquered the unpleasantness.”
• “We should learn to put the emphasis upon duty, not upon care, for duty only is ours.”
• “We should keep each day with its needs shut off by itself. Tomorrow’s cares we must not bring back into today’s little hours. There is no room for them there, nor have we strength for them.”
• “No one ever finds one day’s load too heavy; it is when we try to carry the burden of other days in addition to today’s that we break down.”
• “He who learns the lesson – to live without anxiety – has mastered the art of living.”

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New CD by my friend, Jamie Bird

Looking for a new Christ honoring music cd? Allow me to recommend "Behold Your God" by Jamie Bird with Jen Zimmerman. Here is a photo of the cover, and some clips of three songs on Jamie Bird's new cd. I love to hear her sing at church services!

Contact Mrs. Bird at:
Grace Baptist Church
960 Children's Home Road
Urbana, OH 43078
(937) 652-1681

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Year in J. R. Miller Quotes: May Edition

From "In Perfect Peace"

  • "If we do not have [peace] we have missed part of the blessing of being a Christian, part of our inheritance as children of God. It is not a peculiar privilege which is only for a favored few; it is for every one who believes in Christ and will accept it."
  • "The Christian's peace is not found in a place where there is no trouble -- it is something which enters the heart and makes it independent of all outside conditions."
  • "To love is to weep some time in the journey."
  • "[The peace of God] gives us songs in the night. It puts joy into our hearts when we are in the midst of sorest trouble. It turns our thorns into roses."
  • "The life of Christian faith is not freed from pain, but our of the pain some rich blessings."
  • "If we would have unbroken peace we must have unbroken trust, our minds stayed upon God all the while."
  • "It is our privilege and duty to be free always from anxiety and to show the sad world only victorious joy."
  • "It is the duty of every Christian to have peace. Not to have it is to reject the Master's behest -- "Peace I leave with you...My peace I give unto you"."
  • "The will of God is to be done, not only suffered, as some people seem to think, but done in unbroken obedience and service."
  • "Peace is the music which the life makes when it is in perfect tune, and this can be only when all its chords are attuned to the keynote of love."
  • "We can stay our minds upon God only when the will of God has been done by us or endured patiently and cheerfully."

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

A Day to Remember.
Pause today to think about the reason behind the "holiday", which isn't a holiday at all.
Thank a veteran for their sacrifice. It is a true saying that "All gave some, but some gave all". Remember that the group that "gave some" may not be "serving" still, but may well be still giving, unknown to you, dealing with their memories, their questions, their fears.

Memorial Day: Remember.

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: April Edition

From “A Gentle Heart”
• “We are strong only as we are gentle. Gentleness is the power of God working in the world.” (from introduction)
• “[Gentleness] is essential to all true character.”
• “No man is truly great who is not gentle.”
• “[Gentleness] is the crown of all loveliness, the Christliest of all Christly virtues.”
• “No wrong or cruelty ever made [Christ] ungentle.”
• “Home is meant to be a place to grow in. It is a school in which we should learn love in all its branches. It is not a place for selfishness or for self-indulgence.”
• “…but in all our occupations the real business of life, that which we are always to strive to do, the work which must go on in all our experiences, if we grasp life’s true meaning at all, is to learn to love, and to grow loving in disposition and character.”
• “Our Master manifested himself to his own as he did not to the world; but the world, even his cruelest enemies, never received anything of ungentleness from him.”
• “We must never forget that religion in its practical outworking is love.”
• “A good creed is well; but doctrines which do not become life of gentleness in character and disposition, in speech and in conduct, are not fruitful doctrines.”
• “The final object of all Christian life and worship is to make us more like Christ, and Christ is love.”
• “The way to acquire any grace of character is to compel thought, word, and act in the one channel until the lovely quality has become a permanent part of our life.”

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: March Edition

From “The Master’s Friendships”
(From Introduction):
• Perhaps no short coming in good lives is so common as the failure to be a friend to those around us.
• We begin to be like Christ only when we begin to be a friend to everyone.
(From Book):
• Therefore [Christ] was a friend to the worst, that he might make them to be among the best.
• Christ never shut his heart on any one. He is ready to give love to every one.
• But are we ready and willing to be a friend to those who are unattractive and uncongenial, even disagreeable, who have nothing to give to us in return, who have only needs, cares and burdens to share with us, to those we have to lift and carry?
• Need is always that which attracts [Christ’s] attention.
• At no time do we more need divine wisdom in our experience than when we are deciding whether or not we shall accept this or that person as our personal friend.
• Always the friendship of Christ discovered the best that was in man. He saw possibilities in them that no other one had ever dreamed of. Then he set about to develop these possibilities.
• Concerning Romans 1:11 (“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;”): This was a lofty wish of friendship. It suggests what our longing for our meetings with our friends should be.
• No other culture is so fine as that which comes from communication with Jesus Christ.
• (John 11) Some day when you are in sorrow or trouble and send for Christ, he may delay to come, delay till it seems too late to come at all. Remember, then, that it is because he loves you and yours that he delays. We must learn to trust Christ’s friendship even when it seems to fail us.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: February Edition

From “The Transfigured Life”:

· “To have a life whose power we cannot control is a fearful thing. The more magnificent the life may be, the more terrible it is not to be able to rule it.”

· “To know one person who is absolutely to be trusted will do more for a man’s moral nature – yes, and even his spiritual nature – than all the sermons he ever heard or can hear.” George MacDonald quoted by J.R. Miller

· “There is not an element in our nature that needs to be crushed or destroyed; everything is meant to be under control of conscience and will, and to be used to honor God and bless the world.”

· Definition of a life transfigured: “In a word, it is the beauty of Christ shining in a human life.”

· “In what measure Christ enters into us and fills us and abides in us, depends upon the measure of our surrender to him.”

From “The Face of the Master”:

· We cannot altogether hide our inner life from men’s eyes. What goes on in the depths of our being comes up to the surface in unmistakable indications and revealings.”

· We look for him where he is not, – we look for flashes of splendor, – and meanwhile we miss the glory of his presence where it shines in all its beauty in some lowly thoughtfulness and tenderness.”

· “But, as a rule, we find our best work, the things we are meant to do, our chance for being useful to others, in the line of our common duty.”

· “Do the duty that comes next to your hand, and you will find yourself near to heaven.”

· “If a Christian dwells remote from Christ he soon grows earthly and loses the spiritual loveliness out of his life.”

· On Romans 8:28: “That is, we must always believe in his love for us even in the most trying experiences, and must keep love in our hearts. If we lose our trust, if we rebel against God, if we grow disobedient, we miss the good that we might have received from “all things,” and take hurt instead.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: January Edition

I am planning on posting at the end of each month the quotes I have copied from The Transfigured Life: Selected Shorter Writings of James Russell Miller.

From "The Transfigured Life":
· [Christ] will possess us just as far as we yield our life up to him.

· Love sees in every other person one to be served, to be ministered unto, to be helped, to be patiently borne with, to be treated kindly in spite of his faults.

· Love transforms all conditions of life, all circumstances. Its’ business is to be sweet no matter the weather, or the wrong, or the suffering. Thus it takes the bitterness out of whatever would otherwise be bitter.

· The joy the Holy Spirit gives lives on in the heart when all earthly sources of gladness have failed.

· The lesson of peace is one that has to be learned in the school of life. It is not gotten by the changing of life’s circumstances so as to hide one away beyond the reach of storm. Nor is it acquired through the deadening of the feelings and sensibilities, so that life’s pains and trials will not longer hurt the heart. This would be paying too great a price even for peace. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It comes through the encircling of the life with God’s own peace.

· The true object of all education and discipline is to develop all the powers of the life to their highest possibilities, and then to hold them in perfect mastery.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Stephen, M.D. by Susan Warner. A book recommendation.

I have read many books that have convicted me in various ways. Some have left me determined to leave off a sin it has brought to light in my life, or to begin to do something that I ought and hadn’t seen before, to love God more, to seek his will, on and on…but this book left me gripped with the desire for God! Before I could even come to the end of the story, I was gripped with the longing simply for God. My computer downloaded book was quickly filled with numerous highlights and bookmarks, and this book is not going to be thrown away, as most of them are when I finish reading them (I have too many on my computer to keep them all anymore, though they are excellent books and worth re-reading.). This boy’s life and testimony is such to make one long for more of Christ…and realize that it is not only attainable, but that every Christian should attain what Stephen had. Verses he quotes I have often read, but never seen in such a light as his life puts them, and yet leaving me shaking my head asking why I hadn’t…seen that before? No, actually believed just what God said. The hymns (“poetry”) he reads, and which are quoted in this book, are also a plus. Another top-of-the-list “based-on-fact” story from Susan Warner. Find it as a free Google ebook and read it!

Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011