Wednesday, July 15, 2009

He Taught Them Again

"And as [Jesus] was wont, he taught them again." Mark 10:1b

What sweet promise is here! How often in life do we need wisdom, knowledge, or understanding? How many dilemnas do we face? How many perplexities come across our path? Here is a place we may turn. Jesus makes a habit of teaching those who resort to him.

Do you desire scripture to be opened to you? Do you desire wisdom for circumstances in your life? Do you desire to know God's will in a particular matter? Resort to Jesus. Resort to him seeking his teaching in all readiness of mind. Open your heart to receive his blessed instruction.

"He taught them again" He is so patient. He knoweth that our frame is but dust and is longsuffering toward us. He will teach us again until we have learned all he would have us learn.

~Jesus makes a habit of teaching; do we make a habit of resorting?~
Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011