Monday, March 5, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: February Edition

From “The Transfigured Life”:

· “To have a life whose power we cannot control is a fearful thing. The more magnificent the life may be, the more terrible it is not to be able to rule it.”

· “To know one person who is absolutely to be trusted will do more for a man’s moral nature – yes, and even his spiritual nature – than all the sermons he ever heard or can hear.” George MacDonald quoted by J.R. Miller

· “There is not an element in our nature that needs to be crushed or destroyed; everything is meant to be under control of conscience and will, and to be used to honor God and bless the world.”

· Definition of a life transfigured: “In a word, it is the beauty of Christ shining in a human life.”

· “In what measure Christ enters into us and fills us and abides in us, depends upon the measure of our surrender to him.”

From “The Face of the Master”:

· We cannot altogether hide our inner life from men’s eyes. What goes on in the depths of our being comes up to the surface in unmistakable indications and revealings.”

· We look for him where he is not, – we look for flashes of splendor, – and meanwhile we miss the glory of his presence where it shines in all its beauty in some lowly thoughtfulness and tenderness.”

· “But, as a rule, we find our best work, the things we are meant to do, our chance for being useful to others, in the line of our common duty.”

· “Do the duty that comes next to your hand, and you will find yourself near to heaven.”

· “If a Christian dwells remote from Christ he soon grows earthly and loses the spiritual loveliness out of his life.”

· On Romans 8:28: “That is, we must always believe in his love for us even in the most trying experiences, and must keep love in our hearts. If we lose our trust, if we rebel against God, if we grow disobedient, we miss the good that we might have received from “all things,” and take hurt instead.”
Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011