What We Give To God
by Leah S. Carpenter
I have been bombarded recently, it seems, by comments about, and "encouragement" to, ministry. While I am a firm believer that each child of God has a particular ministry to fulfill, I also realize that for some, that means remaining precisely where He has placed us! However, despite this knowledge and conviction, I was beginning to get discouraged. Then I found this sweet bit of encouragement to continue in what He has given me to do: “Whatever is in our hand, that is what we give back to God.”
I read these words, and they blessed me. I have been wanting to give back to God what I don’t have – what he had given me for a season, but I don’t have right now, as well as a "ministry" He never gave me, but that others have suggested. You mean I can give back to God what I’m left with, though it seems like nothing? Oh, it doesn’t seem like nothing now, not if I can give it back to God! That makes the “nothing” I have left into “something”. Instead of worrying and reaching after something else, I can smile and work in enjoyment of what God has put in my hand to give back to him, just as instructed in Ecclesiastes.
Ah, sweet freedom!