Friday, February 11, 2011

If I Had My Way
Leah S. Carpenter

If I had my way, there would be no more sorrow in the world. Joy would fill hearts, and happiness would no longer be fleeting. Families would love and remain close; church families would get along, edifying one another, building one another up in the Lord. There would be no sighs of longing after that which is so good to desire, yet out of one’s reach. If I had my way, there would be no pain – mental, emotional or physical. There would be no sickness, no weakness, no premature death. Precious dreams would remain and not fly away, unrealized. Life would continue a long course, with human life treasured and allowed to be held by those nearest it.
But if I had my way, there would be no softening, strengthening effects of sorrow, no compassion learned from pain. The greatest, most difficult – yet sweetest – influence in our lives would be swept away: sorrow, pain. Love would not be as deep, for it could not grow as well without sorrow, which is love’s sweetest, most nourishing water. Joy could not be as sweet, for it would not have the contrast of sorrow to teach us how to savour it. Life could not be as sweet, for, without brevity, we would not know to treasure it. Moreover, if I had things in my way, there would be no need of a Saviour, no need to turn to Jesus, our truest Treasure. There would be no need for the Comforter; no realization of Christ’s arms of love and his sufficient grace. Ah, then I shall leave in his hands the ordering of our lives, for he knows how to give the best to his children. He knows best how to give us all things richly to enjoy. Truly his way is best; let me not murmur, but cling to him.
I cannot end pain and sorrow, but one day, God will. I cannot end sickness, but one day God will. I cannot end sin, but one day God will make us perfect. I cannot hold my dear, hurting friends when they cry, but God not only holds them, he puts their tears into his bottle. I cannot mend their broken hearts, but God is mending them. I cannot use sorrow for their good, but God is – that is why he sent the pain. I cannot stop premature death, but God, the Sovereign of all the universe, knows that there is none, for all are in his hand. I cannot have things my way, but I have them the way they should be: ordered by the God of Love, who not only can do no wrong, but who promises to turn all things to good for those who love him. Ah, then let me have things God’s way, for his way is infinitely best.

Ah, then let me have things in God’s way,
For his way is infinitely best,
Let me embrace now God’s way,
For in his way I find rest.

Let me have things in God’s way,
For my way would ruin it all
For God knows best that in his way
There is no flaw at all.

My way has many lacked blessings
That would ruin his plan
For my way could never consider
The best that there is for man.

Let me joy now in God’s way,
And never a shadow of doubt
Cast at the wisdom of his way
And discontentment block out.

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Thank you so much for taking time to read and comment. Please forgive the way some of these comments are moving them from my original blog, I had to copy and paste them to keep them on the posts, so they look like they are from me, while they are not :-). I welcome your comments on my thoughts and poems and thanks again for taking time to read. God bless your day with His presence.

Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011