Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

A Day to Remember.
Pause today to think about the reason behind the "holiday", which isn't a holiday at all.
Thank a veteran for their sacrifice. It is a true saying that "All gave some, but some gave all". Remember that the group that "gave some" may not be "serving" still, but may well be still giving, unknown to you, dealing with their memories, their questions, their fears.

Memorial Day: Remember.

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: April Edition

From “A Gentle Heart”
• “We are strong only as we are gentle. Gentleness is the power of God working in the world.” (from introduction)
• “[Gentleness] is essential to all true character.”
• “No man is truly great who is not gentle.”
• “[Gentleness] is the crown of all loveliness, the Christliest of all Christly virtues.”
• “No wrong or cruelty ever made [Christ] ungentle.”
• “Home is meant to be a place to grow in. It is a school in which we should learn love in all its branches. It is not a place for selfishness or for self-indulgence.”
• “…but in all our occupations the real business of life, that which we are always to strive to do, the work which must go on in all our experiences, if we grasp life’s true meaning at all, is to learn to love, and to grow loving in disposition and character.”
• “Our Master manifested himself to his own as he did not to the world; but the world, even his cruelest enemies, never received anything of ungentleness from him.”
• “We must never forget that religion in its practical outworking is love.”
• “A good creed is well; but doctrines which do not become life of gentleness in character and disposition, in speech and in conduct, are not fruitful doctrines.”
• “The final object of all Christian life and worship is to make us more like Christ, and Christ is love.”
• “The way to acquire any grace of character is to compel thought, word, and act in the one channel until the lovely quality has become a permanent part of our life.”
Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011