Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Year in J.R. Miller Quotes: January Edition

I am planning on posting at the end of each month the quotes I have copied from The Transfigured Life: Selected Shorter Writings of James Russell Miller.

From "The Transfigured Life":
· [Christ] will possess us just as far as we yield our life up to him.

· Love sees in every other person one to be served, to be ministered unto, to be helped, to be patiently borne with, to be treated kindly in spite of his faults.

· Love transforms all conditions of life, all circumstances. Its’ business is to be sweet no matter the weather, or the wrong, or the suffering. Thus it takes the bitterness out of whatever would otherwise be bitter.

· The joy the Holy Spirit gives lives on in the heart when all earthly sources of gladness have failed.

· The lesson of peace is one that has to be learned in the school of life. It is not gotten by the changing of life’s circumstances so as to hide one away beyond the reach of storm. Nor is it acquired through the deadening of the feelings and sensibilities, so that life’s pains and trials will not longer hurt the heart. This would be paying too great a price even for peace. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It comes through the encircling of the life with God’s own peace.

· The true object of all education and discipline is to develop all the powers of the life to their highest possibilities, and then to hold them in perfect mastery.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Stephen, M.D. by Susan Warner. A book recommendation.

I have read many books that have convicted me in various ways. Some have left me determined to leave off a sin it has brought to light in my life, or to begin to do something that I ought and hadn’t seen before, to love God more, to seek his will, on and on…but this book left me gripped with the desire for God! Before I could even come to the end of the story, I was gripped with the longing simply for God. My computer downloaded book was quickly filled with numerous highlights and bookmarks, and this book is not going to be thrown away, as most of them are when I finish reading them (I have too many on my computer to keep them all anymore, though they are excellent books and worth re-reading.). This boy’s life and testimony is such to make one long for more of Christ…and realize that it is not only attainable, but that every Christian should attain what Stephen had. Verses he quotes I have often read, but never seen in such a light as his life puts them, and yet leaving me shaking my head asking why I hadn’t…seen that before? No, actually believed just what God said. The hymns (“poetry”) he reads, and which are quoted in this book, are also a plus. Another top-of-the-list “based-on-fact” story from Susan Warner. Find it as a free Google ebook and read it!

Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011