Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's More Than Just a Symbol

It’s more than just a symbol,
For it frees lost souls from sin;
The cross on old Mount Calvary
Gives peace, from God, within.

It’s more than just a symbol,
For a symbol cannot save;
It surely is reality
That Christ his life, free, gave.

It’s more than just a symbol,
For it fills the law for us;
It frees us from the curse of sin
And raiseth us from dust.

It’s more than just a symbol,
For the curse was borne for me:
My Saviour at that place of shame
Was hanged upon a tree.

It’s more than just a symbol,
For adoption came by One
Who hung upon a cursed tree:
The Father’s only Son.

It’s more than just a symbol,
It’s salvation full and free;
Reality of Jesus’ blood
Has paid the debt for me.
~LSC~ 9/5/10
From message by Brother Mike Bird
the same morning.
Text: Mark 15:25

Monday, April 18, 2011

It Is The Storm

“But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves; for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went into them, walking on the sea.” Mt. 14:24-25

How the storms of life frighten and weary us! How we seek to be delivered from them, or avoid them altogether! We are bruised by the tossing of the tempest and know not how we can make it through this storm. Then Jesus comes walking on the sea; using the very thing we wished to escape from to come to us. All his waves and his billows that come over us are bringing our Saviour, the Master of the Wind, nearer and nearer. There he is, in the midst of our storm, just as we are. He comes to us as we are, totally unable to steer our vessel to him, unwilling that we should be parted. And yet we ask to avoid of be delivered from the storms!? Ah, my friend, it is in the storm that Jesus comes to us, bidding us “be not afraid”.

It is the storm which brought him near.
“It is I, be of good cheer;
Look to me, my child; have no fear;
In the midst if your storm I am here.”
Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011