Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mirroring Christ

“And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye shall be mine.” Lev. 20:26

There must be a separation in your heart and life if you are a child of God. He himself has done the severing and bought you with his precious blood, that you should come out from the world and be ye separate. God has called you to be a holy and peculiar people now, distinctly separate from the world in thought, feeling, appearance and action. Only in this way may we be his. The severing must happen in order for the possession to take place.
At times you may feel severed from everyone, but it is not so. Elijah was severed unto God, yet there were seven thousand others who had also been severed as well as he. Many times you may feel as if everyone thinks you strange; if you are sure that you are following God, praise him! You are a peculiar people and that is a blessing, not cause to pout under a juniper tree.
If you have been severed from other people, that you should be God’s, then God is all you have to cling to. Do not try to cling to, or even lightly hold, the world. Hold fast to Christ, cling to him; he is your all.

~Severed from the world, that you may cling to, and mirror, Christ~
Copyright by Leah S. Carpenter 2010 - 2011